So, who is Ben?
Well, there are a few things that you should know about me up front. Primarily, I thoroughly enjoy puns and obscure pop culture references. I love food too. Cooking it and eating it, though I personally believe that my love of cooking stems from my love of eating. Also, right next to raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens (I already warned you about the obscure references), helping people is one of my favorite things. That is the biggest reason why I do what I do in the fitness industry.
Life is all about our experiences.
I have been privileged enough to compose music that has aired on national television, and even played concerts in Hollywood, Los Angeles, and New York City – including Carnegie Hall. I worked for the Chairman of the Armed Service Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. I learned to fluently speak Spanish as I served a 2-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I’ve also had the opportunity to work as a personal trainer for years.
Of all of the experiences that I have had the fortune to take part in, nothing is as fulfilling as the opportunities I have had to help and lift others to achieve their full potential. And that is why I love working in the fitness industry. Every single day, I work hard to help others exceed their perceived potential and soar to new heights.
But I don’t simply want you to read about what I do or what I have done. I want you to meet me. Well, as much as you can over cyberspace.
So, this is me.
Hello there…
Probably more interesting to you, this was me – and my cousin too, actually.

You’ll have to bear with me on the poor quality of the photograph.
I’m sure as you looked at this picture, a few things leapt out at you:
1) This is a kid that had a fantastic taste in neck-ties,
2) It looks like Ben is missing his left arm, and
3) I used to be a big kid.
In the past, I have not shared old pictures of myself with people. This is simply because I used to be extremely self-conscious about my appearance. Now I am posting it for the world to see. Why? Because I want you to know that I’ve “been there.” As a former chubster, I am well aware of what it takes to fight the chub. It is a journey – let me help you on your journey.