Eat What You Want and Be Fit: Three Simple Steps

When people see me, they make assumptions. Several, probably. I mean, I’m a decently fit-looking guy. Based on the averages, that’s a rarity—in most places, I stand out. A lot of people ...

Want to Lose More Fat? Build Lean Mass

The way most people go about trying to lose fat is insane. Like, literally. Insanity, by definition, is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Countless people use the same strategies...

Everything You Need to Know About Reverse Dieting

My last article talks about how important nutrition really is for you and your fitness goals. Spoiler alert: really important. Since publishing, I’ve had a surprising number of people reach o...

How Important Is Your Nutrition Plan?

How much does your nutrition plan really matter? They say that 60–70% of your aesthetic results are determined by nutrition, not exercise. Sure, both are important. But nutrition is the clear favori...

Ending Your Unhealthy Relationship with Fitness

I’ve seen an unhealthy relationship with fitness time and time again. At the gym, on the interwebz, and even with friends and family. Truth is, most people suffer from an unhealthy relationship...

Thoughts on Perfection and Progression

If I wanted to be perfect, I would have quit a long time ago. My fitness, my business, and my personal life—all are far from perfection. Sometimes, I miss workouts and don’t hit my macros. Mos...

The Massthetics Leg Cure

Not long ago, I wrote an article about the most ridiculous Tinder experience I’ve ever had. Afterward, a few unexpected things happened… First, the article became the most popular thing I&...