I ran a marathon once. Emphasis on once. It was November 2011 and it was also the last time I ran anything that could be described as long-distance. Why? Because I don’t enjoy running. And I esp...
It was a Monday afternoon like any other. You know what I’m talking about, pretending to be productive in the post-lunch drag. Try as we might to get work done, it’s easy to get distracted...
I use Tinder the same way most people do—in waves. Some weeks I’ll swipe hard and flirt with my matches. Other weeks I can’t stand the app and flirt with deleting it entirely. It’s...
My living comes from the world of strength and conditioning. I help people everywhere lose fat, build muscle, and uncover their athleticism. For sport, looks, and life in general. Because of this, mos...
I love when people ask me fitness questions. Good thing, too, because I get asked about the best way to lose fat or the quickest way to gain muscle all the time. But hey, I got into this business to h...
I’ve heard creatine compared to steroids. I’ve seen people treat it like a bad word. And I’ve watched people avoid creatine as if it were actually the cocaine it often resembles. It&...
As I started my sprint—my last sprint of the day—it happened. My left knee stopped working. It locked up and wouldn’t move. I stumbled to a stop on my right foot while my left leg gingerly h...
Dude, it’s hard to follow the nutrition plan on Sundays. If I’m being completely honest, I wasn’t surprised when I read the message. I mean, weekends always get tricky when it comes ...