I love when people ask me fitness questions. Good thing, too, because I get asked about the best way to lose fat or the quickest way to gain muscle all the time. But hey, I got into this business to h...
I’ve heard creatine compared to steroids. I’ve seen people treat it like a bad word. And I’ve watched people avoid creatine as if it were actually the cocaine it often resembles. It&...
As I started my sprint—my last sprint of the day—it happened. My left knee stopped working. It locked up and wouldn’t move. I stumbled to a stop on my right foot while my left leg gingerly h...
Dude, it’s hard to follow the nutrition plan on Sundays. If I’m being completely honest, I wasn’t surprised when I read the message. I mean, weekends always get tricky when it comes ...
Your body type doesn’t matter. At least not in the way you might think. No matter what your body type is, you can still reach your goals. Natural chubsters can have flat abs, skinny hardgainers ...
Are you ready? I’m about to take spill the beans. To tell you the truth behind why you’re not seeing the results you want. And to let you in on the fitness secret that’ll change eve...
Low-carb and very low-carb diets aren’t the secret to losing fat. Eating delicious things like pasta, bread, and rice won’t necessarily make your belly bulge bigger or your love handles ha...
I hate tracking foods. Pulling out my phone between bites to log my meal and track calories or macros isn’t my idea of fun. But you know what is fun? Crushing goals. It doesn’t matter if y...