Lives Changed

Working with Ben, I not only immediately felt comfortable and found the strength to lift the weights, but the strength within myself to know I could achieve all that I wanted. I never could have imagined myself as a weight lifter and now cannot imagine my life without it. I have not only increased my physical strength, but my self-confidence.

Vikki Soutiere
Vikki Soutiere mother

Ben truly cares about his clients and both encourages and challenges you to be your best self. He helps you develop the mindset you want. I can honestly say I have a complete different outlook on myself, fitness, and my daily routine after working with him. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to not only get back in shape – but improve to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Samantha Weinberg
Samantha Weinberg marketing professional

I can truly say that Ben has changed my life by giving me the tools and confidence I need to reach my own fitness goals, and he has made living a healthy, active lifestyle a reality.

Melissa Willis
Melissa Willis financial analyst

I was a two sport collegiate athlete (field hockey and lacrosse). [Ben] was really motivational, and pushed me to go farther than I had gone, and lift heavier, and his nutritional guidance was key in my transformation. I think the most important contribution to my training that Ben made was helping me find a confidence in myself that I didn’t have before.

Kelly Bachovchen
Kelly Bachovchen graduate student

Ben was masterful at helping me see that I already truly wanted something AND that I could work hard enough to get it. I had a trainer who cared about my personal success and growth just as much as I did. Sometimes more. I learned to navigate my way around the weight room, the kitchen, and the relationships that weren't healthy for my progress. I have worked with trainers before, but never had success to this extent.

Becca Batty
Becca Batty former collegiate athlete

Trainer Ben helped me with what was on the inside. He helped me face my demons, my fears, and my insecurities. It was so powerful to know that I could accomplish whatever I set out to do.

Kate Drinkall
Kate Drinkall marketing specialist

It's your turn...

Discover how you can have the body of your dreams and the life you've always wanted. Now is the time for you to...